Outdoor Fire Ban FAQ


1. I live inside the city limits. Does this ordinance apply to me? 

No. This ordinance only applies to the unincorporated areas of Yavapai County. It does not apply inside municipal boundaries, or on federal, state, or tribal lands. 

2. I live outside of a municipal jurisdiction (city/town limits). Does this ordinance apply to my private property? 

Yes. If you do not fall under another fire district. This ordinance applies to private property outside of a residence. It does NOT prevent the use of fire INSIDE a residence (cooking, heating, etc.).

3. If the County is not under any fire restrictions, can I have a fire in my yard? 

Maybe. Check if it is a no burn day with your local fire district or fire department. Fires are only prohibited during active fire restrictions. However, we have all seen that fires can engage homes, structures and business can be inflamed from nearby fires and we encourage safety measures be used at all times. 

4. What if I need to build a fire, but the County has active restrictions in place. Can I get permission for the fire? 

Maybe. You can apply for a variance that, if granted, will allow you to use fire under certain conditions. 

5. What is the process for a variance? 

Step 1: Determine if the fire's location will be inside a city/town limits, inside the boundaries of a fire department/district  If the location is inside a city or town or within the boundaries of a fire department/district then you must contact the respective fire department/district for a variance.

Step 2: If the location is both outside of the city/town and not under a fire department/district, then you can complete a variance request at www.yavapaiready.gov/fireban. If you do not have internet access, then you can call Emergency Management at 928-771-3321. 

Step 3: The Emergency Manager will review the details of your application and decide to issue, or deny the request. Please note that variances are only issued during an active fire ban - you cannot submit in advance. 

Step 4: A copy of the decision will be emailed to the applicant. 

6. My family would like to hold a cultural ceremony that uses a small fire, but the County is under fire restrictions. Do I need a variance? 

Yes. A variance is required for any activity involving fire if it is currently prohibited under the current fire stage. 

7. The ordinance says that I am required to have "adequate fire suppression equipment" at the site. What does that mean? 

The ordinance defines adequate fire suppression equipment as, personnel, tools, water, or other equipment for the suppression of fire. This will vary based on the site's location, size, fuel type, intended use, weather conditions, and other factors specific to each request. This may include but is not limited to: 

  • Hand tools (shovels, rakes, etc.)
  • Water source
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Personnel
  • Tractors, bulldozers, etc.
  • Other equipment and supplies

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that adequate fire suppression equipment is present at all times. For assistance, the applicant is encouraged to call the nearest fire department/district with questions (even if they do not reside within that district). 

8. How will I know if my variance is approved? 

The Emergency Manager will email a signed variance if the request is approved. If the request is denied, a reason for the denial will be proved. 

A copy of the approval form must be available at the variance site during the times of the approved work.